Outcome of PMID:20959354
Pca Type Index Name Unit Stratification Effect Index (crude) P-value (crude) Effect Index (Adjusted) P-value (Adjusted)
Total PCaNo. of childrenNAFour or moreNANA1.0,RefNA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNANoNANA0.92,0.85,1.01NA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNANoNANA0.94,0.86,1.02NA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNAOneNANA1.01,0.93,1.09NA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNAOne or moreNANA1.0,RefNA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNAThreeNANA1.02,0.96,1.08NA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNATrendNANA1.01,1.00,1.03NA
Total PCaNo. of childrenNATwoNANA0.95,0.90,1.01NA