Outcome of PMID:26385727
Pca Type Index Name Unit Stratification Effect Index (crude) P-value (crude) Effect Index (Adjusted) P-value (Adjusted)
Total PCaAge at diagnosisyear< 65 yrNANA0.60,0.47,0.76NA
Total PCaAge at diagnosisyear≥ 65 yrNANA0.79,0.64,0.96NA
Total PCaAncestryNAOther(including European, Greater Middle East, AsiNANA0.70,0.60,0.82NA
Total PCaAncestryNASub-SaharanNANA0.80,0.36,1.78NA
Total PCaDiabetes(Type 2 diabetes)NANoNANA0.80,0.67,0.96NA
Total PCaDiabetes(Type 2 diabetes)NAYesNANA0.67,0.44,1.01NA
Aggressive PCaDigital rectal exams(DRE)(screened in the last five yr)NANANANA0,75,0.60,0.95NA
Non Aggressive PCaDigital rectal exams(DRE)(screened in the last five yr)NANANANA0.68,0.57,0.81NA
Total PCaDigital rectal exams(DRE)(screened in the last five yr)NANANANA0.70,0.60,0.82NA
Total PCaScreened(during the last two yr)NANANANA0.62,0.50,0.78NA