Outcome of PMID:29181335
Pca Type Index Name Unit Stratification Effect Index (crude) P-value (crude) Effect Index (Adjusted) P-value (Adjusted)
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year0–15NANA0.97,0.64,1.47NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year0–15NANA0.79,0.57,1.12NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year0–15NANA0.85,0.63,1.14NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year15–30NANA1.25,0.85,1.84NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year>30NANA0.92,0.65,1。29NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year15–30NANA1.30,0.96,1.75NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year>30NANA0.91,0.70,1.18NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year15–30NANA1.28,0.98,1.68NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)year>30NANA0.91,0.72,1.15NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year0–15NANA1.24,0.82,1.88NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year15–30NANA1.18,0.79,1.75NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year>30NANA1.53,1.03,2.29NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year0–15NANA1.01,0.75,1.36NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year15–30NANA1.31,1.00,1.71NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year>30NANA1.36,1.02,1.80NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year0–15NANA1.06,0.81,1.40NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year15–30NANA1.28,0.99,1.64NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Cumulative duration of Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)year>30NANA1.40,1.07,1.82NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)yearNANANA1.02,0.78,1.33NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)yearNANANA0.98,0.80,1.21NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Exposure to workplace stress and aged 65 or more)yearNANANA0.99,0.82,1.20NA
High grade PCaWorkplace stress(Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)yearNANANA1.31,0.96,1.78NA
Low grade PCaWorkplace stress(Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)yearNANANA1.23,0.99,1.52NA
Total PCaWorkplace stress(Exposure to workplace stress and younger than Age65)yearNANANA1.25,1.02,1.52NA