Description of data display in interface:

1. Each item of genetic data has an ID number, and different letters are added according to different mutation types: the data number of small variations starts with S, the CNV data starts with C, methylation data starts with M, and Other starts with O;
2. VID is the ID number generated by merging the data of the same document, the same Variation gene mutation, and the same SID number of the CHD Subtype, which only refers to the small variation data;
3. For the convenience of retrieval and display, browse and search interfaces are queried by VID; statistics interface is queried by SID because of the need of performing statistics for significant differences; therefore, if you click on one piece of VID data, it might show several items of data with the same genetic variation. For example, if users input “VID0045” in search interface and then click “search”, there will show a total of 15 items of data with same variation for “c.1958G>A” of MTHFR1 gene. URL:


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