ID Factor CHD Type Risk Factor
209 Overweight patients:Lesion type acyanotic NA: A-CHD unrelated
211 Overweight patients: Lesion type cyanotic NA: C-CHD unrelated
212 Obese patients: Lesion type acyanotic isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: A-CHD/C-CHD/NA unrelated
472 the mother's education status (Low education level) NA: NA unrelated
519 percent predicted peak expiratory flow rate(PEFR) isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/TGA/DILV/TA/TOF/PS/TA/EA unrelated
521 percent predicted forced expiratory flow rate at 50% of forced vital capacity(FEF50) isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/TGA/DILV/TA/TOF/PS/TA/EA unrelated
523 percent predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s(FEV1) isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/TGA/DILV/TA/TOF/PS/TA/EA unrelated
525 forced vital capacity(FVC) isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/TGA/DILV/TA/TOF/PS/TA/EA unrelated
844 Cardiac complications(n=463)--maternal age isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/VSD, PDA/RV/ASD/PAPVR/AVSD/HCM/AS/AR/MS/TOF/MR/PA/IVS/ccTGA/other unrelated
1059 Number of patients taking full oral feeding at discharge (n, %) isolated CHD: HLHS/TOF/TGA unrelated
1060 Mean length of hospital stay in days (range, SD) isolated CHD: HLHS/TOF/TGA unrelated
1246 number of surgeries isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PA/AS/CoA/MS/MR/EA/AVC/ALCAPA/D-TGA/Congenitally corrected TGA (s&p double switch)/TA/PA, IVS/SV unrelated
1247 anxiety (BAI, Beck anxiety inventory) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PA/AS/CoA/MS/MR/EA/AVC/ALCAPA/D-TGA/Congenitally corrected TGA (s&p double switch)/TA/PA, IVS/SV unrelated
1248 self-efficacy (GSE, general self-efficacy) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PA/AS/CoA/MS/MR/EA/AVC/ALCAPA/D-TGA/Congenitally corrected TGA (s&p double switch)/TA/PA, IVS/SV unrelated
1600 Anxiety symptoms--Yes/No isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/VSD/PDA/BAV/TOF/CoA/PV/SAS/AVC/ccTGA/UVA/PA/other unrelated
1779 association between pre-operation age and final GFR isolated CHD: TOF/PA/VSD/DORV/PS unrelated
1780 association between post-operation age and final GFR isolated CHD: TOF/PA/VSD/DORV/PS unrelated
1782 association between pre-operative HCT and mean uric acid fraction (FEua) excretion isolated CHD: TOF/PA/VSD/DORV/PS unrelated
2584 association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : age isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/AVSD/PDA/AVSD/VSD, PDA/DORV/TGA, VSD/SV unrelated
2718 association between Qp/Qs and body weight NA: NA unrelated
2719 association between Qp/Qs and height NA: NA unrelated
2721 association was observed between pulmonary systolic pressure and weight NA: NA unrelated
2722 association was observed between pulmonary systolic pressure and height NA: NA unrelated
2942 correlation between VEGF and SpO2 in CHD isolated CHD: TOF/TGA/DORV/VSD/PS/PDA/ASD unrelated
2957 correlation between nutritional status(weight-for-age z-score) and mean MEE(measured resting energy expenditure) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/AVSD/VSD, ASD/AC/TGA/TOF/VSD/PA, VSD/TOF, PA/TAPVC/PA, VSD/TOF, PDA, RAA/PDA, ASD, AC/DORV, VSD, ASD, PS/PA, VSD unrelated
2958 correlation between nutritional status(weight-for-height z-score) and mean MEE(measured resting energy expenditure) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/AVSD/VSD, ASD/AC/TGA/TOF/VSD/PA, VSD/TOF, PA/TAPVC/PA, VSD/TOF, PDA, RAA/PDA, ASD, AC/DORV, VSD, ASD, PS/PA, VSD unrelated
3018 correlation between LV SDI and LV ejection fraction in patients isolated CHD: TOF/VSD unrelated
3019 correlation between LV SDI and LV ejection fraction in patients isolated CHD: TOF/VSD unrelated
3020 correlation between LV SDI and LV ejection fraction in patients isolated CHD: TOF/VSD unrelated
3042 correlation between RR interval and SDI isolated CHD: TOF/VSD unrelated
3043 correlation between RR interval and SDI isolated CHD: TOF/VSD unrelated
3118 Father's education level isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3119 Mother's education level isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3120 Fetal order isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3121 Neonatal asphyxia or hypoxia (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3122 Mother's age at this pregnancy isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3123 Father's age at this pregnancy isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3124 consanguineous marriage (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3125 consanguineous marriage (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3126 Father's occupational exposure (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3127 gynecologic examinations (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3128 gestational weeks until aware of pregnancy isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3129 maternal upper respiratory infection (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3130 maternal fever (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3131 number of previous pregnancies isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3132 history of spontaneous abortion (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3133 number of spontaneous abortions isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3134 maternal infection (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3135 maternal medication (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3136 maternal B-mode ultrasound examination (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3137 new house repair or relocation (yes/no) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3138 maternal mental stress isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3139 Father drank before and during the first month of pregnancy (quit or never drank/yes) isolated CHD: VSD/PDA/TOF/ASD/PS/other unrelated
3191 risk of IE with foreign material implantation undergoing cardiac surgery isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: BAV/MVP/VSD/AS/BAV, VSD, ASD/AV/AS, AI/TOF/PA, VSD, RPA/AVSD, PS unrelated
3435 correlation between lower peak VO2 and higher VE/VCO2 slope isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/AVSD/ccTGA/CoA/other/EA/ES/TOF/CHD with PAH/VSD unrelated
3761 vomiting isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/TOF/CoA/persistent ducts/PVS/AVS/complete TGA/STPVCA unrelated
3862 quantitative indexes: TPV correlation with systolic and mean PA pressure NA: NA unrelated
3864 quantitative indexes: TPV/RVET correlation with systolic and mean PA pressure NA: NA unrelated
4005 Parent domain at 6 months of age NA: NA unrelated
4006 Parent domain at 12 months of age NA: NA unrelated
4007 total stress at 12 months of age NA: NA unrelated
4042 eGFR isolated CHD: PDA/VSD/DORV/ASD/p-AVSD/PAPVR unrelated
4043 Oxygen delivery isolated CHD: PDA/VSD/DORV/ASD/p-AVSD/PAPVR unrelated
4044 CaO2 isolated CHD: PDA/VSD/DORV/ASD/p-AVSD/PAPVR unrelated
4045 Body surface area isolated CHD: PDA/VSD/DORV/ASD/p-AVSD/PAPVR unrelated
4046 Age isolated CHD: PDA/VSD/DORV/ASD/p-AVSD/PAPVR unrelated
4055 correlation between PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure ) and miR-204 expression in mild group isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/VSD, ASD/PDA/VSD, PDA/ASD, PDA unrelated
4056 correlation between PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure ) and miR-204 expression in severe group isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/VSD, ASD/PDA/VSD, PDA/ASD, PDA unrelated
4057 correlation between PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure ) and miR-204 expression in all CHD group isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/VSD, ASD/PDA/VSD, PDA/ASD, PDA unrelated
4171 Relative mortality risk after pulmonary valve replacement(age brackets of 35–40) isolated CHD: TOF unrelated
4173 Relative mortality risk after pulmonary valve replacement(age brackets of >50) isolated CHD: TOF unrelated

All rights reserved: Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University