ID Factor CHD Type Risk Factor
96 higher BNP isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PDA/ASD, VSD/ASD, PDA/VSD, PDA/VSD, ES/PDA, ES/VSD, CHD with PAH no influencing factor
98 uric acid isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PDA/ASD, VSD/ASD, PDA/VSD, PDA/VSD, ES/PDA, ES/VSD, CHD with PAH no influencing factor
226 NT-proBNP(pg/ml) isolated CHD: CHD with PAH no influencing factor(Univariate mode)
228 mean right atrial pressure(MRAP) isolated CHD: CHD with PAH no influencing factor
355 arotic obstruction-direct effect on executive dysfunction isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: D-TGA, IVS/D-TGA, VSD/TOF/TOF, PS/TA/VSD/TA, IAA/VSD, CoA/CoA, AH/PS, IVS/SV/HLHS/SV, AO no influencing factor
399 age isolated CHD: AS/AC/TOF/EA/AVSD/ccTGA/CHD with PAH/FUVH no influencing factor
404 Body mass index (BMI) isolated CHD: AS/AC/TOF/EA/AVSD/ccTGA/CHD with PAH/FUVH no influencing factor
452 Differences in inotrope score(IS) isolated CHD: TOF/AVC/CAT/HLHS/CoA, IAA/MR, AOR/PA/TAPVC/TGA/VSD/ASD/other no influencing factor
585 plasma glucose NA: NA no influencing factor
586 plasma glucose NA: NA no influencing factor
601 maternal smoking combined with Arg/Arg isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/TOF/AVSD/DORV/TGA no influencing factor
656 systolic pulmonary artery pressure(sPAP) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PDA/ECD/TOF/EA/DORV/VSD, ES/PDA, ES/ASD, VSD, PDA, ES/ASD, ES no influencing factor
685 CPB isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
690 RBC transfusion isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
691 cryoprecipitate tansfusion isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
716 6-MWD isolated CHD: CHD with PAH/EA no influencing factor
717 heart rate isolated CHD: CHD with PAH/EA no influencing factor
718 Pulmonary blood flow(Qp) isolated CHD: CHD with PAH/EA no influencing factor
792 PCS isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: AV/ASD/VSD/PDA/ASD, VSD, repaired ductus arteriosus/AVSD, ASD/CoA/DORV/PA/TGA/ccTGA/UVA/ES/TOF/EA/other no influencing factor
806 independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity(age) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
816 Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(Oxygen saturation at rest) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
817 Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(peak oxygen uptake) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
818 Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(forced vital capacity) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: NA no influencing factor
1101 CPB time, min isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TOF/AVC/CoA/IAA/PA/TGA/VSD, ASD/CAT/HLHS/TAPVC/AR/other no influencing factor
1103 BNP 12 h PO, pg/mL (β-type brain natriuretic peptide) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TOF/AVC/CoA/IAA/PA/TGA/VSD, ASD/CAT/HLHS/TAPVC/AR/other no influencing factor
1104 Copeptin12 h PO, pmol/L isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TOF/AVC/CoA/IAA/PA/TGA/VSD, ASD/CAT/HLHS/TAPVC/AR/other no influencing factor
1259 African American–white disparity in infant mortality rate due to CHD NA: LSOOL/CTDs/RSOOL/SD/AVSD/Lesions of veins/Lesions of arteries no influencing factor
1261 aortic cross clamp time isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TOF/VSD/HLHS/ASD/CAVC no influencing factor
1496 Age isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/TOF/VSD/DORV/PDA/EA/AVSD/L-TGA/SV/PA, VSD, MAPCA/TA/PS/TAS/D-TGA no influencing factor
1499 hazardous alcohol use isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/TOF/VSD/DORV/PDA/EA/AVSD/L-TGA/SV/PA, VSD, MAPCA/TA/PS/TAS/D-TGA no influencing factor
1507 hazardous alcohol use isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/TOF/VSD/DORV/PDA/EA/AVSD/L-TGA/SV/PA, VSD, MAPCA/TA/PS/TAS/D-TGA no influencing factor
1579 BMI(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables) NA: NA no influencing factor
1580 Max HR(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables) NA: NA no influencing factor
1581 Max ET(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables) NA: NA no influencing factor
1757 Bradyarrhythmia during entire postoperative course NA: NA no influencing factor
1758 Bradyarrhythmia receiving intervention during entire postoperative course NA: NA no influencing factor
1870 Age isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PDA no influencing factor
1956 predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: norepinephrine(per 100 pg/ml) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TA/UVH/DORV/PA/MA/TOF/AVD/CoA, IAA/VSD/TGA/other no influencing factor
1957 predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: renin activity(ng/ml/h) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TA/UVH/DORV/PA/MA/TOF/AVD/CoA, IAA/VSD/TGA/other no influencing factor
1958 predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: BNP(per 10 pg/ml) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TA/UVH/DORV/PA/MA/TOF/AVD/CoA, IAA/VSD/TGA/other no influencing factor
1962 predictor of mortality: Age isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: TA/UVH/DORV/PA/MA/TOF/AVD/CoA, IAA/VSD/TGA/other no influencing factor
1994 BMI(male patients) isolated CHD: VSD/TOF/ASD/CoA/PS/AVSD/TGA/AS/BAV/DORV/UVH/EA/PA/Ductus/TA/PTA/SAM/MVP/PVA/other no influencing factor
1998 LDL-cholesterol (male patients)(mg/dl) isolated CHD: VSD/TOF/ASD/CoA/PS/AVSD/TGA/AS/BAV/DORV/UVH/EA/PA/Ductus/TA/PTA/SAM/MVP/PVA/other no influencing factor
2001 age(female patients)(years) isolated CHD: VSD/TOF/ASD/CoA/PS/AVSD/TGA/AS/BAV/DORV/UVH/EA/PA/Ductus/TA/PTA/SAM/MVP/PVA/other no influencing factor
2165 preoperative activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) isolated CHD: TOF/PA/VSD/UVH no influencing factor
2194 correlation of MCA-PI z-score and 14-month PDI score isolated CHD: HLHS/other no influencing factor
2463 Risk factor related the occurrence of complications for PDA isolated CHD: PDA no influencing factor
2467 Factor related the surgical success rate and complications for ASD: ASD maximal size isolated CHD: ASD no influencing factor
2470 Factor related the surgical success rate and comlications for VSD: Procedure time isolated CHD: VSD no influencing factor
2636 Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min) isolated CHD: HLHS/AVC/VSD/CoA/SASD/DORV/TOF/AS/PASD/TA no influencing factor
2646 Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min) isolated CHD: HLHS/AVC/VSD/CoA/SASD/DORV/TOF/AS/PASD/TA no influencing factor
2654 Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min) isolated CHD: HLHS/AVC/VSD/CoA/SASD/DORV/TOF/AS/PASD/TA no influencing factor
2738 logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: Transformed weight (kg) isolated CHD: PA/VSD/ASD/TA/AVSD/TAPVC/other no influencing factor
3150 restlessness NA: NA no influencing factor
3437 VE/VCO2 slope isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/AVSD/ccTGA/CoA/other/EA/ES/TOF/CHD with PAH/VSD no influencing factor
3456 correlation between elevated TISS score 1week after admission and the risk of acquiring candidemia NA: NA no influencing factor
3511 weight (kg) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PS/PA, VSD/AS/TA/TOF/TGA/D-TGA, VSD/SV/EA no influencing factor
3523 subaortic ventricular outflow tract gradient (mmHg) isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: ASD/VSD/PS/PA, VSD/AS/TA/TOF/TGA/D-TGA, VSD/SV/EA no influencing factor
3542 correlation between ischemic time at surgery and JET isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD: VSD/ASD/TOF/AV/AVC/AS/RVOTO/CoA/PDA/other no influencing factor
3942 association with age and dental health behaviours(brush teeth 2 times/day) NA: NA no influencing factor
3972 relative levels of expression of miRNA-208a NA: VSD, ASD/AVC/TGA/TOF/CoA/RV to PAC no influencing factor(unadjusted)
4077 CPB time(min)(infants) NA: NA no influencing factor
4078 aortic clamping time(min)(infants) NA: NA no influencing factor
4090 CPB time(min)(children) NA: NA no influencing factor
4091 aortic clamping time(min)(children) NA: NA no influencing factor
4148 CPB duration(min) NA: NA no influencing factor
4149 aortic clamping time(min) NA: NA no influencing factor
4196 Cross-clamp time(min) isolated CHD: AVSD/TOF/VSD no influencing factor

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